an experimental hypermedia artwork.
This web site uses gif animations, wav files and java-scripted interactivity. Take note of the following:
Sound media is optimised for I.E. only, V4 or greater.
Sounds play using the windows media , quicktime or real media players. The sound control console is set to not display. 
Once cached this site 'vibrates'. However, all pages normally take several minutes to completely load on the first occasion (e.g. "algorhythm", the main menu, you are about to enter and the largest, takes 2.5 minutes for the images to load and 3 minutes for the sound to load on a 56K modem). Allow page elements to cache before you play.
To fix a stuck image 2nd time around: right[option] click and select 'show picture'.
Translations: sorry- English only for now. Music and images are universal languages.
© the authors March 2001:
Ashley Holmes: artwork
Matthew Hawker: beats

enter 'algorhythm'

artist bios    context    links/credits/notes